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File List  |  1994-02-15  |  6KB  |  228 lines

  2.                        Copyright (c) 1992-1994 SoftTronics
  3.                     Lutz und Kretzschmar GbR, Munich, Germany
  5.        Texture definition file. 
  6.        This file contains the colors and textures that Moray knows about.
  9. [COLORS]
  10. Gray05            0.05  0.05  0.05
  11. Gray10            0.10  0.10  0.10
  12. Gray15            0.15  0.15  0.15
  13. Gray20            0.20  0.20  0.20
  14. Gray25            0.25  0.25  0.25
  15. Gray30            0.30  0.30  0.30
  16. Gray35            0.35  0.35  0.35
  17. Gray40            0.40  0.40  0.40
  18. Gray45            0.45  0.45  0.45
  19. Gray50            0.50  0.50  0.50
  20. Gray55            0.55  0.55  0.55
  21. Gray60            0.60  0.60  0.60
  22. Gray65            0.65  0.65  0.65
  23. Gray70            0.70  0.70  0.70
  24. Gray75            0.75  0.75  0.75
  25. Gray80            0.80  0.80  0.80
  26. Gray85            0.85  0.85  0.85
  27. Gray90            0.90  0.90  0.90
  28. Gray95            0.95  0.95  0.95
  30. DimGray           0.329  0.329  0.329
  31. DimGrey           0.329  0.329  0.329
  32. Gray              0.753  0.753  0.753
  33. Grey              0.753  0.753  0.753
  34. LightGray         0.659  0.659  0.659
  35. LightGrey         0.659  0.659  0.659
  36. VLightGrey        0.800  0.800  0.800
  37. VLightGray        0.800  0.800  0.800
  39. White             1.000  1.000  1.000
  40. Red               0.000  0.000  0.000
  41. Aquamarine        0.439  0.859  0.576
  42. BlueViolet        0.624  0.373  0.624
  43. Brown             0.647  0.165  0.165
  44. CadetBlue         0.373  0.624  0.624
  45. Coral             1.000  0.498  0.000
  46. CornflowerBlue    0.259  0.259  0.435
  47. DarkGreen         0.184  0.310  0.184
  48. DarkOliveGreen    0.310  0.310  0.184
  49. DarkOrchid        0.600  0.196  0.800
  50. DarkSlateBlue     0.420  0.137  0.557
  51. DarkSlateGray     0.184  0.310  0.310
  52. DarkSlateGrey     0.184  0.310  0.310
  53. DarkTurquoise     0.439  0.576  0.859
  54. Firebrick         0.557  0.137  0.137
  55. ForestGreen       0.137  0.557  0.137
  56. Gold              0.800  0.498  0.196
  57. Goldenrod         0.859  0.859  0.439
  58. GreenYellow       0.577  0.859  0.439
  59. IndianRed         0.310  0.184  0.184
  60. Khaki             0.624  0.624  0.373
  61. LightBlue         0.749  0.847  0.847
  62. LightSteelBlue    0.561  0.561  0.737
  63. LimeGreen         0.196  0.800  0.196
  64. Maroon            0.557  0.137  0.420
  65. MediumAquamarine  0.196  0.800  0.600
  66. MediumBlue        0.196  0.196  0.800
  67. MediumForestGreen 0.420  0.557  0.137
  68. MediumGoldenrod   0.918  0.918  0.678
  69. MediumOrchid      0.576  0.439  0.859
  70. MediumSeaGreen    0.259  0.435  0.259
  71. MediumSlateBlue   0.439  0.859  0.859
  72. MediumVioletRed   0.859  0.439  0.576
  73. MidnightBlue      0.184  0.184  0.310
  74. Navy              0.137  0.137  0.557
  75. NavyBlue          0.137  0.137  0.557
  76. Orange            1.000  0.500  0.000
  77. OrangeRed         0.859  0.439  0.859
  78. PaleGreen         0.561  0.737  0.561
  79. Pink              0.737  0.561  0.561
  80. Plum              0.918  0.678  0.918
  81. Salmon            0.435  0.259  0.259
  82. SeaGreen          0.137  0.557  0.420
  83. Sienna            0.557  0.420  0.137
  84. SkyBlue           0.196  0.600  0.800
  85. SlateBlue         0.000  0.498  1.000
  86. SpringGreen       0.000  1.000  0.498
  87. SteelBlue         0.137  0.420  0.557
  88. Tan               0.859  0.576  0.439
  89. Thistle           0.847  0.749  0.847
  90. Turquoise         0.678  0.918  0.918
  91. Violet            0.310  0.184  0.310
  92. VioletRed         0.800  0.196  0.600
  93. Wheat             0.847  0.847  0.749
  94. YellowGreen       0.600  0.800  0.196
  95. SummerSky         0.22  0.69  0.87
  96. RichBlue          0.35  0.35  0.67
  97. Brass             0.71  0.65  0.26
  98. Copper            0.72  0.45  0.20
  99. Bronze            0.55  0.47  0.14
  100. Bronze2           0.65  0.49  0.24
  101. Silver            0.90  0.91  0.98
  102. BrightGold        0.85  0.85  0.10
  103. OldGold           0.81  0.71  0.23
  104. Feldspar          0.82  0.57  0.46
  105. Quartz            0.85  0.85  0.95
  106. Mica              0.00  0.00  0.00
  107. NeonPink          1.00  0.43  0.78
  108. DarkPurple        0.53  0.12  0.47
  109. NeonBlue          0.30  0.30  1.00
  110. CoolCopper        0.85  0.53  0.10
  111. MandarinOrange    0.89  0.47  0.20
  112. LightWood         0.91  0.76  0.65
  113. MediumWood        0.65  0.50  0.39
  114. DarkWood          0.52  0.37  0.26
  115. SpicyPink         1.00  0.11  0.68
  116. SemiSweetChoc     0.42  0.26  0.15
  117. BakersChoc        0.36  0.20  0.09
  118. Flesh             0.96  0.80  0.69
  119. NewTan            0.92  0.78  0.62
  120. NewMidnightBlue   0.00  0.00  0.61
  121. VeryDarkBrown     0.35  0.16  0.14
  122. DarkBrown         0.36  0.25  0.20
  123. DarkTan           0.59  0.41  0.31
  124. GreenCopper       0.32  0.49  0.46
  125. DkGreenCopper     0.29  0.46  0.43
  126. DustyRose         0.52  0.39  0.39
  127. HuntersGreen      0.13  0.37  0.31
  128. Scarlet           0.55  0.09  0.09
  130. [TEXTURES]
  131. ;
  132. ; Textures from Texture.inc
  133. ;
  134. Jade
  135. Red_Marble
  136. White_Marble
  137. Blood_Marble
  138. Blue_Agate
  139. Sapphire_Agate
  140. Brown_Agate
  141. Pink_Granite
  142. PinkAlabaster
  143. Blue_Sky
  144. Bright_Blue_Sky
  145. Blue_Sky2
  146. Blue_Sky3
  147. Blood_Sky
  148. Apocalypse
  149. Clouds
  150. Cherry_Wood
  151. Pine_Wood
  152. Dark_Wood
  153. Tan_Wood
  154. White_Wood
  155. Tom_Wood
  156. DMFWood1
  157. DMFWood2
  158. DMFWood3
  159. DMFWood4
  160. DMFWood5
  161. DMFLightOak
  162. DMFDarkOak
  163. EMBWood1
  164. Yellow_Pine
  165. Rosewood
  166. Sandalwood
  167. Glass
  168. Glass2
  169. Glass3
  170. Green_Glass
  171. Chrome_Texture
  172. Brass_Texture
  173. Gold_Texture
  174. Bronze_Texture
  175. Copper_Texture
  176. Silver_Texture
  177. Polished_Chrome
  178. Polished_Brass
  179. New_Brass
  180. Spun_Brass
  181. Silver1
  182. Silver2
  183. Silver3
  184. Brass_Valley
  185. Rusty_Iron
  186. Rust
  187. Candy_Cane
  188. Peel
  189. Water
  190. Cork
  193. [FINISH]
  194. Dull
  195. Shiny
  196. Phong_Dull
  197. Phong_Shiny
  198. Glossy
  199. Phong_Glossy
  200. Luminous
  201. Mirror
  202. Glass_Finish
  203. Metal
  205. Peel
  207. [DEFAULTS]
  208. ; These are defaults that MORAY uses as standards for new textures
  210. Ambient      0.2
  211. Diffuse      0.5
  212. Brilliance   1.0
  213. Random       0.0
  214. Phong        0.6
  215. PhongSize   20.0
  216. Specular     0.0
  217. Rough        0.0
  218. Reflection   0.0
  219. Refraction   0.0
  220. IOR          1.0
  221. Turbulence   0.0
  222. Octaves      6.0
  223. Metal        0.0
  224. Color        1.0   1.0   1.0   0.0
  226. [End]